Poetry Is… A Revelation

Happy World Poetry Day !
Dear Friends, thank you for all the likes, comments and re blogs .Your feedback is highly appreciated. I enjoy reading all your creative works, am astounded by the talent here, often left speechless and wordless. Thank you for sharing your life stories, hard earned wisdom, much needed laughter, joy, beauty and love. and for the inspiration. Sometimes your words say ‘ I understand’, sometimes they’re a pat on the back, sometimes a soothing balm for the soul, sometimes they rekindle lost memories, sometimes they offer a completely new way to think and feel..
Am happy to Reblog and share this wonderful post by https://friendlyfairytales.com, a blog I follow.
Dear poets, bloggers, photographers and all creative artists…it makes for a delightful read. Do go through. What is poetry to you…??
Dear Brenda Davis Harsham thanks again for the friendly mention of this fledgling writer. Deeply humbled and honoured.
Dear Poets and Bloggers…Keep creating, keep on writing and keep on sharing!
Peace, love, goodwill and gratitude

Friendly Fairy Tales


Words, like new snow, soften soil and make poetry of winter. Poetry is… so many things… collected here in this wonderful community poem thanks to many talented friends. I plan to “find” a new poem within this poem and post it for Valentine’s Day. You’re invited to write your own poem from these lines and leave a link on February 14.

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6 thoughts on “Poetry Is… A Revelation

  1. Poetry can reach people in ways other writing can’t. It is wonderful to have a world poetry day. I hope you will feel inspired to join my joint poetry challenge that runs once a month for six month. New prompt will be posted in first week of April!

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